About Us
An all-girls team of budding engineers with diverse interests ranging from biomedical to chemical and to aeronautical engineering. With an aim of promoting equal opportunities to every person in the world, and especially encouraging more girls to go into STEM, our team hopes to improve the quality of life for everyone around the globe by creating environmentally-friendly innovations that will tackle social injustice.

Charlotte Chang
Charlotte is an aspiring engineer with a particular interest for all things space! She is also passionate about sustainability and cannot wait to work on this project to help farmers improve their quality of life. When not trying to solve problems, she loves performing on stage and debating!

Diora Juraboeva
Diora is a highly energetic and motivated individual who aspires to become a mechanical engineer. She greatly enjoys designing and building different ideas and strives to create innovative solutions to world problems. She is equally passionate about the film industry and considers a career in directing. Other interests include music, space, languages, theatre, cars and aviation.

Sophie Orgler
Sophie is a keen student with an avid interest in space, aviation and the healthcare sector. She joined this project as she felt that it was a great opportunity to realise and apply some of her ideas to global issues. In her free time, she enjoys keeping up to date with F1 and creating pieces of art.

Lara D'Amico
An aspiring engineer, Lara has an interest in all things mechanical. She loves to find new things and has recently been developing her skills using CAD software. She is excited to take part in this competition and apply her love for engineering to real world problems, hoping to make a difference. Her passions also include musical theatre and all things cars; an unlikely combination but one that seems to have worked so far.